
Journal Articles

  • Rebolledo, Edgar & Christopher A. Martínez (2023).  Caracterización y análisis del ausentismo municipal en Chile.  Revista de Gestión y Política Pública, 32(1): 31-67.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2022). Tradición democrática y sobrevivencia presidencial: El caso de Lucio Gutiérrez en Ecuador.  Revista Ecuatoriana de Ciencia Política, 1(2): 44-65.

  • Martínez, Christopher A.  & Alejandro Olivares L. (2022). Chile 2021: Entre un intenso calendario electoral y la acusación constitucional en contra de Sebastián Piñera.  Revista de Ciencia Política, 42(2): 225-253.

  • Olivares, Alejandro, Christopher A. Martínez, et al. (2022).  Presidencialismo en América Latina. Algunas consideraciones para el debate.  IBEROAMERICANA. América Latina - España - Portugal, 22(79), 211–242.

  • Martínez, Christopher A., Mariana Llanos & Raymond Tatalovich. (2021).  Impeaching the President: Mapping the political landscape in the House of Representatives.  Congress & the Presidency, 49(2): 200-229.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2021).  Presidential instability in Latin America: Why institutionalized parties matter.  Government and Opposition​, 56(4), 683-704.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. & Juan C. Arellano. (2021).  University presidents’ turnover and survival: The case of Chile.  Higher Education, 82: 541-560.

  • Arellano, Juan C. & Christopher A. Martínez.  (2020). Gradual change and deconcentration of presidential powers in nineteenth century Chile: Ideas, networks, and institutional ambiguity.  Polity, 52(4): 584-617.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). Democratic tradition and the failed presidency of Lucio Gutierrez in Ecuador.  Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37(3): 321-338.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). Estereotipos de género y evaluación de candidatos en Estados Unidos: Evidencia de una encuesta-experimento.  Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad, 8(1): 36-71.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2017). Presidential survival in South America: Rethinking the role of democracy.  International Political Science Review, 38(1): 40-55.

  • ​Martínez, Christopher A. (2017). “Sobreviviendo” la presidencia argentina, 1983-2001.  Estudios Internacionales, 49(186): 91-118.

Books and Book Chapters

  • Martínez, Christopher A. & Andrés Dockendorff. (2023). Hyper-presidentialism under question. Evidence from Chile.  In Mariana Llanos & Leiv Marsteintredet (Eds.), Latin America in times of turbulence.
    Presidentialism under stress
    . New York: Routledge, pp. 54-74.  ISBN 9781032322612.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2022).  Presidencialismo: Reflexiones para el debate constitucional en Chile. Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica and Ediciones UCT. ISBN: 978-956-289-250-6.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. (2018). La presidencia en el Chile de la posdictadura. In Carlos Huneeus and Octavio Avendaño (Eds.), El sistema politico de Chile.  Chile: LOM Ediciones, pp. 85-117.  ISBN: 9789560010681.

  • Martínez, Christopher A. & Roberto I. Mardones.  (2017). Sistema político chileno: Una sinopsis post dictadura. In Christian Pfeiffer, Enrique Fernández Darraz and Björn Kluger (eds.), Bildung in Chile: Beiträge zu einer binationalen Kooperation. Germany: Universität Rostock, pp.9-24.  ISBN 978-3-86009-479-2.

Conference Papers

  • “Chile presidentialism under question.” Paper presented at the General Conference of the European        Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Innsbruck, Austria. August 2022.

  • “Impeachment in the United States: Mapping the political landscape in the House of Representatives.”    Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), August 2021.

  • “Presidential instability in Latin America: Why institutionalized parties matter.” Paper presented at the 12º Encontro da Associação Nacional de Ciência Política, Brazil, October 2020.

  • “Gradual change and deconcentration of presidential powers in Chile (XIX): Ideas, networks, and institutional ambiguity.” Paper presented at the research workshop ‘The effects of institutional change in Latin America,’ Concepción, Chile. August 2019.

  • “Fragmentados pero disciplinados: El rol de los partidos en la destitución de la Presidenta Dilma Rousseff”. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Santiago, Chile. October 2018.

  • “Presidential failures in Latin America (1980-2016)”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, 76th Annual Conference, Chicago, United States. April 2018.

  • “Ideas and institutional change. (De)concentration of power in Chile. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, 76th Annual Conference, Chicago, United States. April 2018.

  • “Failed presidents in Latin America: Does democracy matter?” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association, 113th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States. September 2017.

  • “Sobrevivencia presidencial en América Latina”. Paper presented at the 4th Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Social Sciences, Salamanca, España. July 2017.

  • “Tradición democrática y sobrevivencia presidencial: El caso de Lucio Gutiérrez en Ecuador”. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Pucón, Chile. October 2016.

  • “Avances y retrocesos de la democracia chilena (1990-2010)”. Panel organizer and chair. 12th Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Political Science, Pucón, Chile. October 2016.

  • “Gender Stereotypes and candidate evaluation: Evidence from a survey experiment”. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Graduate School Research Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States. March 2014.

  • “Surviving the presidency: Rethinking the role of democracy”. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, United States. April 2014.

Selected Talks

  • “Government crisis in Chile: Political decay and power vacuum.” Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2020). 

  • “COVID-19: Hacia una nueva gobernanza del riesgo.” University of Concepcion, Concepción, Chile (May 2020).

  • “Estallido social en Chile: ¿Oportunidad de cambio?”  Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2019).

  • “Dinámicas políticas y sociales de la crisis chilena.” Catholic University of Temuco. Temuco, Chile (November 2019).

  • “It’s time to go: Interrupted presidencies in Latin America.” University of Concepcion. Concepción, Chile (June 2018).​

  • “Forced out: Why Latin American presidents struggle to hold onto power.” Institute of Political Science, P. Catholic University of Chile. Santiago, Chile (May 2018).

  • “Inestabilidad de gobiernos y tradición democrática en América Latina.” FLACSO-Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador (March 2018).

  • “Instituciones políticas y percepciones ciudadanas.” Seminar Proceso constituyente en Chile. La respuesta ciudadana. Temuco, Chile (August 2017).

  • “Presidential power and government instability in Latin America: What form of government do we want?” Seminar Chile’s Constitutional Reform. Temuco, Chile (July 2016).

  • “The Constitution and political power in Chile,” organized by the Gorbea Municipal Government. Gorbea, Chile (May 2016).

  • “Voters’ preferences in the Araucanía Region,” organized by the Association of La Araucanía Local Governments. Temuco, Chile (January 2016).